
Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Spooky Ghost Pumpkins. Snackie helped draw the faces on and we cut them out, but he left the "gutting" part to Little O.

We did the real deal this year (no trunk-or-treat) trick or treating in a friends neighborhood. Snackie loved it! Running from house to house to ring the bell. He did great at the "spooky" houses too, our tough little Ninja Turtle. Little O was a cute - independant little Tinkerbell. What a big girl happily returning to us with her loot!

The kiddos loved daddies Ghost Stories. And Mama had some fun too, yes...that's a "bun in the oven" costume. Every kid asked what I was...and then gave me the strangest looks when I responded! Bryce was supposed to wear the apron and the chefs hat...but he had big plans to just "be himself." ;)