Believe it or not my friends, but I can keep a "secret." This was a particularly hard secret to keep especially with so many of my blogging friends having babies...but I did it! I suppose it helps that I have a paranoid sort of fear of sharing TMI via blogs, but none-the-less, here's the latest...I HAD A BABY!
It's hard to believe it actually happened. The labor was...not fun...but surprisingly a heck of a lot easier than with my that standard procedure? After my 16 hours of labor (a full hour of
just pushing) with The Snack I was in bad shape, but this time, in comparison, it was a piece of cake (if we can ever refer to labor in that way) only 7 hours (with an epidural) and 3 pushes and there she was. I was so happy when she came so quickly that I was like laughing when I was done...I was truly ecstatic!
This is a pic from a couple hours after delivery. The Snack loves "Baby O" and is so excited that she is finally here. Bryce did a really good job preparing The Snack to be a good big brother, so we've been blessed not to have to deal with far! I wish I could say we've also been "blessed" with no sleep deprivation...but I guess we'll have to work on that one!