
Monday, February 11, 2008


Shocked The Snack...yesterday in Sacrament meeting we sang the Hymn, "I am a Child of God." And The Snack, sitting on the floor playing cars, stood up and looked around at everyone in utter amazement. You could tell by the look on his face what he was thinking..."they're singing my bed time song." It really took him a minute to wrap his mind around it, it was so cute. Then he started singing along. The 2nd and 3rd verses kinda threw him off, but the chorus made it ok. It's funny, I used to be really bored by that song - I think we sang it in every FHE growing up - but now that The Snack is so in love with it, I think it's just the greatest thing!

Don't kids just melt your heart!


Traci said...

Kids do melt your heart! What a cute story!

Michelle said...

I can just imagine the look on his face. Kids are just so cute and they sure do melt your heart. We sing that song every Monday for FHE. My boys just love it.

The Nelsen Family: said...

That's so cute! I bet Andrew would've done the same thing if we'd been there. Except he probably would have started shouting "mine, mine" over and over again. I was the same way about that song until I had Andrew, kind of tired of it. Now I love it 'cause it's our special song.

april said...

melting heart - me - right now. thanks for sharing.

laina kay said...

Too cute! Cha-Cha loves that song, too. Cute except sometimes she likes to get creative with the words. Three-year olds have an off-beat sense of humor...

You should get a video or at least audio tape of him singing it. I wish I'd done that more (still need to) 'cuz everything changes before you know it. The Boy won't sing for us at all any more. :(