
Saturday, August 30, 2008

Kudos to Kara

(sorry Kara, these pics were just toooooo awesome not to share!)
I brought Bryce some leftover cake from a baby shower last night, and as he gobbled it up for breakfast this morning he exclaimed, "that's the best cake I've ever had." Of course I didn't need to tell him that our friend Kara had made it, he knows well enough that she is an amazing baker. So he then proceeded to tell me that I should, "take baking lessons from her." I felt you all cringe at that one...but I didn't cringe one bit. He and I both know that I can't bake/don't desire to bake...even to save my life, and his statement was said in the same way someone might say, "you should learn Chinese" or more accurately in my case, "you should create a Universe." Bryce would LOVE to have the kind of yummy treats around our house on a daily basis that you find at the Nelsens, but the truth is I really have no desire to bake. I mean I do wish I had the ability to make wonderful yummy things if the mood arose, but it would only really be worth it to me if they simply appeared in my oven without the labor involved, and the mess to clean up afterwards...or better would be nice if they simply appeared...on my doorstep! But until that day I'm sure Bryce will survive on the yummy BlueBell Popsicles in the freezer, and the store bought sugar cookies on the counter. :)


The Nelsen Family: said...

So I appreciate the compliment...but I don't know about those pictures. Yikes! I should never be allowed in front of a camera.

I'm glad Bryce enjoyed the cake. If you ever want to bake with me, just let me know. It's fun, minus the clean-up. I would bake way more often if I didn't have to dishes afterwards...I guess it's a good thing I don't bake more often, I don't think my waistline could handle it.

me said...

WOW~ I found a new blogging friend. Yes, it is 3am. I just got done working on homework and low and behold you had left comments on my blog. I won't consider you a complete stalker since Trina gave you the info. I wish I was there for the cake... delicious!