
Tuesday, November 6, 2007

There were incidents and accidents... can I find time for blogging with all the other craziness that happens in life?! So the other day I hear this hissing noise coming from behind the fridge, which is plenty frightening, then, strike that...WATER came pouring out everywhere! So the story is; the line that feeds the ice maker burst, and my kitchen floor got a good washing in places that have never seen the bristles of a broom, never mind a mop! Of course the Dad-n had just left like 20 minutes earlier, so I was alone on this one...well, me and The Snack. So I'm trying to squeeze behind the fridge and The Snack is standing at the edge of the kitchen with water lapping at his toes saying "Wha happn' mama? Wha happn' mama?" Trying to stay calm as I twist, and twist, and try to twist some more, the knob that supposedly shuts the water off, I yell "get some towels, Snack!" Knowing that sending my two year old off to fetch towels is a fruitless effort, but he nevertheless attempts to comply and goes running off to each bathroom coming back empty handed. Of course he can't reach our towels on the back of the bathroom door, but it brings some relief to me that I can at least yell some orders out. Eventually after getting ENTIRELY drenched I got the knob to turn the right direction and turned the water off. Then after breast stroking my way to the bathroom I grabbed all the towels I could and dropped them in the water...but as we all know, a towel doesn't really do too much to lap up a lake. So I set to work with the mop (wishing I'd invested in a wet/dry vacuum like my genius mother has...but hey, she's got YEARS on me, ok). Of course The Snack is always willing to lend a hand "my turn mama?" grabbing the mop and nearly knocking over my bucket of freshly absorbed ocean. Eventually I get the water up, but of course floods aren't cooperative, and they like to get into EVERYTHING. So, needless to say, my pantry as well as my laundry room got a little "Spring Cleaning." Which of course brings about new stories and tasks that I don't even want to go into! Now, if only I'd had the presence of mind amidst all of this to snap some great blog photos, but I'm certain you can all have a good time imagining this scene on your own.


Laurel said...

Oh no!!! Like the song says, "Mama said there'd be days like this..." I just didn't believe her. What a nightmare! At least you kept your cool. Those kinds of things cause me to swear, much to my chagrin. Then my two year old has to repeat what I said, in front of Mr. Wicke, and then Mr. Wicke has to give me the eye roll...all this is conjecture, of course...ahem.

Good to know you are an able swimmer. Keep your head above water!

Traci said...

Bummer about the water break! Love the post, gave me a chuckle. Don't you hate it when you forget to take photos!
Glad you were able to get it all under control too!
Hopes for a better rest of the week!

laina kay said...

Oooh not fun but sooooo funny! I can just imagine Snack wide-eyed and awed at the mayhem! Thanks for the chuckle!

Michelle said...

Sorry about your water break. What a bumer. For what it's worth your retelling formed some pretty good pictures in my mind. I can only just imagine you tring to turn off the water. I did have to chuckle at the fact the you sent your 2 year old for towels. That is a classic mistake we all do in desperate times. While we were taking care of my in-laws dog he tracked mud into the house one day. While I was tring to wrangle him back outside I yell to my 2 year old to get the carpet cleaner. Yeah, like that was going to happen. He did get his baby wipes and attempted to clean the mud.

Shaka said...

wow! that sounds like fun!

hey, i'm still trying to send that email but my phone is being quite the booger lately!

Megan said...

Sorry about your water break. I hate when things like that. Something similar happened to us only it was with my son and the bathroom. Anyways water was everywhere. After that mess we bought a wet/dry vac. It has been the best investment for us!

april said...

love the costume!! watch out though, my brother and grandpa love to wear super large belt buckles; you might have started a trend.

sorry to hear about the water fiasco. sounds like you did well under pressure. have i ever told you about the time i accidentally flooded my friend's house (no joke). i had her kids for the weekend and we went over to use her pool one day. i guess we used a toilet that was broken and then went and used the pool and came back the next day to her kitchen ceiling coming down because the toilet has been flooding overnight. it was a very sickening experience. luckily, my friend was great towards me (wasn't angry even once that she showed) and i think in the end (after much EFFORT on her part), that i ended up making money for her. still an experience i won't ever forget.